monday october 17 2005
the rules
1. muscles only pull
2. muscles only have an action a a joint they cross
3. the insertion of a muscle moves towards its origin along its pathway
a muscle has two tendons on either side of a belly
the belly is made of muscle fibers individualy wraped in fosha
which the chi flows thru

tendons connect muscle to bone
ligaments conect bone to bone

muscles of the anterior thigh
quadraceps - means four heads
1. rectus femoris
origin: anterior inferior illiac spine
its action is extension of the knee
and flexion of the femur at the hip
this all occurs on the sagital plane

2. vastus medialis
origin linea aspara of posterier femur
insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
action extension of the knee

3. vastus intermedius
origin linea aspara of posterier femur
insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
action extension of the knee

4. vastus lateralis
origin linea aspara of posterier femur
insertion tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
action extension of the knee

rule about the quadriceps

a muscle that is anterior and crosses the knee will be an extensor of the knee

1. byceps femoris
origin: ishial tuberosity
insertion is the lateral head of the fibula
action is flexion of the knee and
extension of the hip
it has some lateral rotation of the knee because it pulls on a diagonal
2. semitendinosus origin : ishial tuberosity insertion ant proximal tibia action is flexion of the knee and extension of the hip it has some medial rotation of the knee because it pulls on a diagonal
3. semimembranosis the most medial and deeper origin : ishial tuberosity insertion post medial tibia action is flexion of the knee and extension of the hip
the rule for hamstrings
hamstrings are muscles that are postereior and cross the knee joint are flexors of the knee agonist antagonist muscle groups
october 24 2005
adductors and abductors medial thigh adduction towards the mid line on the frontal plane

oblique means diagonal this type of muscle will have some kind of rotation on the tranverse plane 1. pectineus origin: anterior pubis Insertion: posterier femur between lesser trochanter and linea aspera action: flexion of hip action: assists adduction of hip 2. adductor brevis origin: anterior pubis insertion: linea aspera action: adduction of hip action; assists flexion of the hip 3. aductor longus origin: anterior pubis insertion: linea aspera action: adduction of hip action; assists flexion of the hip 4. adductor magnus origin: inferior pubis ramus, ishial tuberisity, ramus ishium insertion: llinera aspera posterier femoral shaft action: assists in flexion of the hip, medial rotation of the hip action: assists extension of the hip and lateral rotation 5. gricilis most medial of adductors origin: inferior ramus of pubis insertion: medial proximal tibia action adductor of the hip assists flexion and medial rotation of a flexed knee muscles of the gluteal region 1. gluteus minimus origin: posterior illium insertion: anterior surface of greater trochanter action: abduction of the hip action: medial rotation of the hip 2. gluteus medius origin: illiac crest insertion: greater trochanter action: abduction of the hip action: medial rotation of the hip 3. gluteus maximus origin: saccrum, illium superior illium insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur, iliotibialtract action: extension of the hip action: lateral rotation of extended hip 4. tensor fasciae latae (tfl) origin: iliac crest(superior) insertion: iliotibial tract action: assists abduction medial rotation and flexion of the femur action: extension of the knee october 31 finishing off the thigh satorius - anterior thigh the longest muscle in the body origin: anterior superior illiac spine insertion: upper medial shaft of the tibia action: assists in abduction, lateral rotation and flexion of the hip action: assists flexion and medial rotation of the of the knee the six deep lateral rotators-work together to origin: anterior sacrum insertion: greater trochanter action: lateral rotation of the hip iliopsoas- filet mignon in a cow most powerful hip flexors two muscles psoas major origin: lumbar spine illiacus origin: anterior illiac spine Insertion: both insert together on the lesser trochanter
one should take thought as to which assist in action agonist/antagonist extensors of the knee (anterior) 1. rectus femoris 2. vastus lateralis 3. vastus intermedialis 4 vastus medialis 5 tenso faciae latae flexors of the knee(posterior) 1. semimembranosus 2. semitendinosus 3. biceps femoris 4. sartorius 5. gricilis abductors of the hip (lateral) 1. gluteus medius 2. gluteus minimus 3. tensor faciae latae 4 sartorius adductors of the hip (medial) 1. adductor brevis 2. adductor longus 3. adductor magnus 4. gricilis 5. pectineus flexors of the hip (anterior) 1. iliopsoas 2. pectineus 3. TFL 4. adductor brevis 5. adductor longus 6. adductor magnus 7. rectus femoris 8. sartorius extensors of the hip(posterior) 1. gluteus maximus 2. biceps femoris 3. semimebranosus 4. semitendinosus 5. adductor magnus medial rotators of the hip 1. gluteus medius 2. glueteus minimus 3. TFL lateral rotators of the hip 1. deep six 2. gluteus maximus 3. sartorius 4. adductor magnus
movements and actions of joints knee - hinge joint bicondular flexion, extension hyper extension ankle - maleola - hing joint -- flexion and extension tarsals - gliding joints these do two actions supination and pronation also aversion and inversion toes interphalangeal joints in between the phalanges the are hinge joints and do flexion and extension (extension is toes up flexion is toe down) the interosius memebrane in between the bones - connectiong the tibia and fibula
muscles of the anterior and and posterier leg posterier superficial to deep gastrolnemius origin : lateraland medial epocomdyles of femur insertion calcaneus via achilles tendon action: flexion of knee plantar flexion of ankle soleus origin: upper shaft of tibia and haead anduppershaft of fibula Insertion: calcaneus via achillers tendon actions: plantarflexion of the ankle popliteus deep short behind the knee origin:lateral epicindyle of femur insertion:proximal tibial shaft action: assists flexion of the knee posterior tibialis posterior flexor digitorum lomgus flexor hallucis longus Tibial posterior Origin: posterior tibula and fibula Insertion: action inversion of the foot flexor digitorium longus long muscle that flexes the digits origin: posterior tibula and fibula insertion: distal phalanges of toes 2-5 flexion of toes and assist plantar flexion flexorhallucis longus origin : posterier fibula Insertion distal pgalanx of great toe action :pamtarflexion of ankle flexion of bigtoe rules muscles that are posterior that... cross the knee are flexors of knee cross the ankle are pantarflexors of ankle cross th toes are flexors of the toes tibialis anterior origin lateralshaft of tibia insterion base of first metatarsal action dosiflexion of foot extensor digitorum langus origin: prox 2/3 of shaft of tibia insertion:extends toes 2-5 assist in dorsiflexion of ankle extensor digotrum brevis origin: anterior calcneus insertion: proximal phalanges actions assist wxtension of the toes extensor hallucis longus origin : anterior shaft of fibula insertion :distal phalanx of great toe action: extend great toe dorsiflexion November 14, 2005 muscles of the lateral lower limb peronials(fibulataris) group peroneus (fibularis)longus origin: on the head and upper two thirds shaft of the fibula insertion: is the base of the first metatarsal and medial cuniform action: eversion of the foot and assists in plantar flexion peroneus (fibularis) brevis origin: lower 2/3s of lateral shaft of fibula insertion: base of fifth metatarsal action eversion of the foot---assists in plantar flexion of the ankle peroneus (fibularis ) tertius origin: anterior distal fibula insertion: base of the fifth metatarsal action: eversion of the foot assists in dorsiflexion muscles of the foot - there are 4 layers of muscle in the foot most are located on the plantar surface of the foot articulate the 5 phalanges at each interphalangial joint dorsal - top plantar extrinsic - intrinsic - you use them regularly broad network of fosha or connective tissue longitudenal arches plantar flexers of the ankle are posterier- propulsion- gustrocnemiius soleus assisters peronial (fibularis) longus peronial (fibularis) brevis flexor digitorium longus flexor hallulcis longus rule: muscles that span the the ankle and are posterior are plantarflexors of the ankle dorsiflexors of the ankle anterior 1. tibialis anterior 2. extensor digitorium longus 3. extensor hallucis longus 4. peroneus (fibularis) tertius rule: muscles that are anterior and span the ankle are dorsiflexors of the ankle bony lanmarks as a point to use in documenting posture and movement invertors of the foot are medial tibialis anterior tibialis posterior evertors of the foot are lateral peronial fibularis group longus brevis tertius
official view of your muscles how to look at things identify - observation estimate- whats going on what was cause observations - outside information conclusion /correction i have long wanted to be able gain independent control over my toes and started thinking about that I always had pretty good control over my great toe but have had a hell of a time with the other four phalanges plantar side flexor hallucis brevis aductor hallucis flexor digiti minimi brevis the lumbricals quadratus plantae abductor hallucis flexor digitorum brevis abductor digiti minimi looking at these muscles reminds me of the time when my sister ran over my foot with the lawn mower fortune only chopped these threads and not my whole foot clean off