to condense you computer down to one world
that is manuverable
Dance to perfect the body
become theatrical
make simple singer song writer music and find voice again
a digital press kit/ album etc
logo, 8 by 10 photo, Bio, clippings, cards, demo(most memorable parts)
All forms of music centered around the emotions felt concerning
life and death.
Mindasa portal is a home, a mixing pot used to house and create lyrics, stories, screen play clips of video, writings, music.
Of sound track to a life which is several parts performed seperately building to a full story intertwined with several characters.
told from various points of view.
an interactive web page/performance.
As the final presentation like a dvd or a game in which you choose your path through a fantasy world guided by those you associate with.)
defining soundtrack strive for the greatest goal
make the audience experience life
outside of tediousness
inspire positivity
provoke emotion
in their mind another place
change a life
if its happening in the moment your in
all the pieces of me will become part of another
stemming from the belief that all is intertwined
I want to create a story where you cannot tell reality from a dream state to show the distraction and vision of my mind.
do not write the story first hand until the death reveals its you
i want it to be multiple stories at the same time all intertwined
in different times and the same feelings even in different circumstances
Show The role of God interlaced with every part of life
show branches
follow the bible patterns
lead them back into the garden of eden its the starting point after leaving the party
by day you live one life and by night another
reality is the dream of our dreams
sleep in one wake in another
what happens when conciousness stretches across both realms
with multiple stories at the same time all intertwined in different times and yet with the same feelings even in different circumstances Show The role of God interlaced with every part of life show branches bible patterns the way that situations are outlined the rules are as follow though Like all rules are meant to be bent and even broken. RULES what is blankly put will only go so far, say it so it can mean any thing so it will mean more every thing comes into the computer to colaborate to make the art collage ride the thin line between noise and music trash and art where does this line get drawn the audience is the world and your objective is to elevate them from that point do not write the story first hand until the death reveals its you every melodrama has at least three close calls make things sporadic different thoughts and emotions show how they intertwine the story doesnŐt always have to start at the beginning rather use back story flashbacks etc. so the end was the beginning one window of text sending to many places no to be verbs donŐt mention self no pronouns (esspecially no I) lyrics in lines sentences and paragraphs must sound intellegent must be poetic needs not to rhyme use thesaurus for common words piano writes melodies vocals must conform for the music record improv vocal melodies over the drum machine for a click track every thing must be in present tense metafors are strongly suggested remember less is more essay form read short and beautiful sung alarm like waking up in the morning lead them back into the garden of eden its the starting point after leaving the party
in a world built on collective memory in this place out of time companions are met from decades gone by sharing the one common bond of searching for a better place (hebrews 11:13 -16) they journey throu this world constructed of achitecture from all time primative and hi tech. from across the globe huge journey a world with no ending read the book turn each page and discover a world an experience organize by worlds and events in the story start coming up with a concept that unifies your life to this point the feelings you would have the feelings you have an out line a map organizing files into emotional context would be a better situation its all about the words they define your context ******************************************************************************************* COMPUTERS ******************************************************************************************* play the computer make it your everchanging pallet push of a button brings up a palet
PROJECTS light painting remix what your doing from where it is chart out songs midi controlors sherman scale staircase circle of 5ths 3d room filled with infrared grid but what are the dimmensions XYZ make it real not just an Idea ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ wacky invention alarm clock set up to a lazer tag gun you can shoot it in the morning when you wake up the catch is you shoot it makes noise and the noise gets wors with each successive shot a ritardando buttonan excelerando
decreases/ increases tempo by one
takes the temperature of the room creates music based on that spiral stairway prop or set based on sherman scale built using midi notes for steps symbolise the battle to heavendown and up /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hybrid one
once you take a file hands start a file dragandrop a file into using glitcher for glove we my other idea is here as you read along through a long text the message will play =========================================================== a media window that floats on top playing audio and video files and pictures based on the text ----------------------------------------------------------- if user goes to a certain place then filename "enter the variable name" will play subtly california red car memory returnhow people change the city ocean then Souls on Parade drawing a power source i would like to be able to travel and easily set up an experience that would use my vehicle as the control station and power source //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============== you have to use the sensors that will make music all the time your own all sound files seperately and being shaped once they are in the /*============== top down approach to creating a world personalities building characters different stories and background and personalities Call it Entity if you come into contact with them in the created world they will talk to you otherwise they chat with others with in the world a giant concept in the codes you write to your self develope a story EntitySay ("some times you go to school to get better not just to repeat yourself") ========================================================= the computer program take situations and plays music acordingly do to circumstance
organize songs by STORY by emotions happiness sadness anger complications arise from all the different ways that you can organize things -negative button- changes forward backward playlist play button transpose - up down speed create a slider or something to control the q of the random instead of moving in 1 2 3 it should move like .01 .02 .03 .04 also i need some way to put it into modes and scales and ragas some way to identify and play these ======================================================= reverb unit the catapults launcher - load the sound file - the sound file will loop endlessly- aim(choose direction and range -pull the fire level - (the desired effect is to have the sound appear to be launched to the specified place within an open air enviroment (almost vacuous) the problem and possibly saving grace of an open air enviroment is that it is only direct sound since reflections will be removed important features sound moves @ 1300 feet per second distance algorithm DOPPLER EFFECT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// filters perform into it timer starts every sound you make comes out if you do it twice it becomes a loop the tricky problem with this is that if you want the beats to be on off measures how would the computer know that you wanted it to wait on another entry maybe build a foot switch for record, go, delete it would be cooler if the computer just knew what to do %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% multiple tracks play sepratly ability to pull them into synchronization rhythm ties and to make them all change together polyrhythm maker set intruments going in different time signatures )()()()()()()()()()()()()())()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() teacher in max keyboard - teacher- you enter the key and position I ii IV etc it highlights all the possibilities in all pitch classes for you to select from for voice leading ********************************************************************************* in c create a better way to organize files in the course of a story directories. ========================================================== c - make a calender to switch between folders scrolling on my desk top acording to the time of day in calender set up to play shorter songs during the day and longer songs at night droner- records and pitch shifts tuning everything to a harmonic or fundamental ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- builder __________ build a program to pan i tunes playlist and hook i tunes to my computer program which will be thee world type thingy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________ emotional relation painting by number but building ----------------------------------- algorhythmn- to chop up samples name them and normalize them each then broken down into sub folders think signal flow 3 folders A. sequences B. rough drafts C. samples find midi files and audio files name well names are very important studio save midi files in sequences folder rough drafts are where the newest shit mix goes samples individual tones not on I dentify the tones with in the qs setup write out figure out all songs and re-record them as midi lyric melodies are the synth sounds on records they will be the sickest melodies ever audio files interactive menus organization audio record and playback literary web video / pictures /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER SETUP program voice commands and a computer program building drum ostinatos over grooves in which i can play freely but highly controlled like a drum machine that doesn't suck or loop so much max patch a play list story becomes a play list have an eight player itunes that plays mp3s out eight seperate sources which the user can select through a slider make a score out of occurances which two were played takes less space a text of changes made tempo variations tweekable and replayable read through the sound file using a buffer to hold the section to be scanned the buffer will hold a small amount and be easilly manipulated and efficient to use i sing in to the computer it knows what pitch i am supossed to know and what i do white noise swell = shhhhh shhhh= make it get quieter out put is the one thing you need to monitor and i will always have a picture of what the audio was a calender to play shorter songs during the day and longer songs at night make monologues and dialogues for the characters establish settings and circumstances emotional relation painting by number but building algorhythmn- to chop up samples name them and normalize them each then broken down into sub folders deception and the works a young boy once spent all of his time organizing an alagory of how everything is connected and if the old man could some how fit it together and see how it all finally makes sense i gotta make an auto save function cauldron outline How does a good story start what does it have in it A giant compilation cd of all the music that has touched us i am interested in the correlation between pitches and colors
similarities within the indian musics idea of andolan
the buzzing sounds produced by the jawari on the bridge of the sitar and tanpura
basic speed or laya - fast medium slow are sound effects the music displacing thought