When I started Soundtrack to a Life
both high school, my first love, and a Group named Murmur were concluding.
I wrote
"The angels cried",
MY intentions were to make The finest art piece ever.
I thought knew what I was doing.
I began to write rock opera, then novel,
it has crossed mediums from paper to electronic,
since then Has come to involve the art of
my past, present, and future and and into day to day living.

my incomplete current work in progress ÒSoundtrack to a LifeÓ
(a thematic musical piece intended to be a full album of a musical story.)
started as a work of fiction yet so much of my life has been added as filler
that it has be come a personal reflection of struggle.
I believe these struggles are the the same battles fought on the battlefield of every human soul.

Everything I have been doing is a constant work in progress eventually tying itself to
soundtrack became my life as the actual work of art
its a stepping stone of every human on the face of the planet
of course sound track is comprised of many parts and different works

i really want soundtrack to be is an angel on my shoulder
making a score to my life always
i want to always emenate music
i am my soundtrack

Ranginging high to low slow and fast happy to suicidal depressed.
blending old and new into a collage of art

so much of my life has been added as filler that it has be come a personal reflection of struggle.
I believe these struggles are the the same battles fought on the battlefield of every human soul.

Once upon a time music was played for hours to audiences that apreciated its ability to tell stories
by changing, and growing ever moving some where new.

several parts performed seperately building to a full story intertwined with several characters.
told from various points of view. intertwined with all forms of music.

perfomed though interactivity, keyboard, drum machine, computer and abstract midi controllers

An orchestra of guitars.